Multitouch with Haxe NME

I’ve been getting really interested in Haxe NME recently. Haxe is an open source cross-platform language, and NME adds a display framework on top of that which is modelled very closely on Adobe’s Flash API. The beauty of it is that you can write one codebase and then compile it to native code for Flash, HTML5, Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android and more.

Haxe NME screenshot

I was trying to get to grips last night with handling multitouch input using NME, and I struggled to find a decent example. I managed to get something working and so I put together an example myself which I’m sharing here. It’s a simple example which tracks each distinct touch point and displays a randomly coloured circle beneath that touch. I’ve tested it on iOS and Android.

Grab the source from Github

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